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Available Macros for Offer / Lander URL
Updated over 2 months ago

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PeerClick Click ID


PeerClick campaign ID


PeerClick user ID


User device platform (desktop, mobile)


The marketing name of the device from which the visit came


Browser name


Browser version


User operating system


Operating system version


User language


User's IP address


Visit cost


Device brand


Domain of the tracker campaign URL


Device model


Visit referrer


Visit time


Visit day in the format from 0 to 6, where Sun = 0, Mon = 1, etc.


Visit hour


Device size


Device diagonal


Campaign path name


The unique ID of the visit, which PeerClick receives from the traffic source through the external_id parameter


Mobile operator


Landing page ID


Offer ID


Region / state of visit


Connection type


Traffic source name


Traffic source ID


2-letter country code


User country


User city


ID of the affiliate panel user

{{token1} - {token14}

{event1} - {event10}

Custom events parameters values

{token1_urlencode} - {token14_urlencode}

Traffic source tokens (parameters) values in URL encoded format

{token1_lowercase} - {token14_lowercase}

Traffic source tokens (parameters) values in lowercase format

{token1_md5} - {token14_md5}


Domain of the link passed to the token1


Security key for setting up the protection of the landing page


The uniqueness of the visit


Traffic source tokens (parameters) values in the format token_value:token_name


Traffic source tokens (parameters) token_value:token_name in MD5 format


Traffic source tokens (parameters) token_value:token_name in in lowercase format


Traffic source tokens (parameters) token_value:token_name in URL encoded format

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