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Macro Dictionary
Updated over 3 years ago

Source postback macros in source settings / campaign additional settings:

{clickid} - Click ID

{externalid} - Source Token External ID

{conversion} - Conversion status

{payout} - Pay per conversion

{ratio*payout} - Payout ratio, calculated as {0.7*payout}

{cost} - Visit cost

{} - Conversion group

{txid} - Transaction ID for each conversion

{conversionid} - Additional parameter that takes any value from the affiliate program

{path} - Campaign path name

{city} - User city

{countryname} - User country

{country} - 2-letter country code

{} - Traffic source name

{affiliate.user} - ID of the affiliate panel user

{user} - ID of the tracker user

{device} The marketing name of the device from which the visit came

{browser} - Browser name

{browserversion} - Browser version

{os} - User operating system

{osversion} - Operating system version

{language} - User language

{ip} - User's IP address

{brand} - Device brand

{referer} - Visit referrer

{datetime} - Visit time

{day} - Visit day in the format from 0 to 6, where Sun = 0, Mon = 1, etc.

{hour} - Visit hour

{size} - Device size

{diagonal} - Device diagonal

{} - Offer ID

{token1} - {token14} - Source tokens (1, 2, 3 .. 14)

​Postback macros for affiliate networks in offer / landing page settings

{token:token name} - Source tokens by name ({token: zoneid})

{pr_key} - Security key for setting up the protection of the landing page

{isp} - Mobile operator

{} - Landing page ID

{uniq} - The uniqueness of the visit

{state} - Region / state of visit

{connection.type} - Connection type

Postback macros for a source in the Affiliate Panel

{externalid} - The unique ID of the visit, which we receive from the source through the external_id parameter

{status} - Conversion status. Hold, sale, reject setpoint

{payout} - Payout transaction

{token1} - {token5} - Source tokens (1 - 5)

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