- Added filter at the Conversions tab.
Additional filter for Conversions log and Clicks log.
Go to the Conversion section. Go to the click log or the conversion log.
Select a filter.
Select a condition to compare.
Select a comparison operator. The LIKE operator compares by a substring match, the = operator compares by a complete match.
Enter a value to compare.
Add multiple comparison conditions if needed.
Save the added filter via the Apply button. Then click Apply on the main control panel to apply the filter.
- Added groupings on main tabs.
Added groupings for all main tabs, similar to the already existing groupings in reports / trends.
- Added drilldowns.
Drilldown - dive into the data with the details of applied filters and hierarchy from top to bottom.
When a drilldown is applied, the first immersion layer (such as a drilldown campaign) creates a data slice report with the first grouping / filter applied to the data.
When a drilldown is applied, the second immersion layer (for example, selecting data by the second grouping of a campaign) generates a report with a slice of the data to which the first filter is applied, the second filter is applied to the results of the first filter.
When you select different levels of groupings, a report is generated with the drilldown already applied.
- Added UTC filter.
The filter is available for all main tabs and reports, except for the Conversions tab.
- Added statistics comparison function.
Select the time span for the statistics slice.
Select the time span to compare with the slice.
Add comparison columns in the statistics display settings.
- Changed timeframe filter.
Added the ability to select a time span not only by dates, but also by hours.
- Added new text filters on main tabs.
- Added function to return object by pixel in additional campaign settings.
JavaScript pixel renders code with object initialization. This object contains cid.
Initializes a PeerclickTrk object of the form
document.PeerclickTrk = {
"cid": "*",
"datapc": "*",
"lcpc": "*"
- Changed row selection logic.
Multiple selection of lines is done via CTRL button.
- Added Fraud details for CSV export in reports.
An Anti-fraud option appears in the column selection list.