By default, a Parameters table and Postback URL field are already filled for predefined offer sources. You can change it or add additional parameters to the postback link.
Set a Traffic Channel Postback URL
1. Create or edit a traffic channel
1. Create a traffic channel
2. Edit a a traffic channel
2. Add {externalid} macro
1. Enable Traffic channel postback URL field.
β2. Enter the traffic channel postback URL that you copied at the traffic channel side.
3. Add to a postback URL a traffic channel parameter responsible for receiving data about traffic channel clickid and {externalid} macro in the format:
http(s)://{externalid}, where: your traffic channel postback URL;
? - designation of the end of the postback URL, followed by parameters and their values;
traffic-channel-cid-parameter - a traffic channel parameter responsible for receiving data about traffic channel clickid;
{externalid} - a predefined PeerClick macro that pass traffic channel clickid value.
If the PeerClick macro is added correctly, it will be highlightened at the macros field.
3. Add more parameters
If necessary, set the additional tracking parameters that will be added to the postback link in the format:
http(s)://{Peerclick-macro}&traffic-channel-parameter-parameter2={Peerclick-macro}, where: your traffic channel postback URL;
? - designation of the end of the offer URL, followed by parameters and their values;
traffic-channel-parameter - an traffic channel parameter;
{Peerclick-macro} - a predefined PeerClick macro (passed parameter value);
& - ampersand separating different parameters in an address.
If the PeerClick macro is added correctly, it will be highlightened at the macros field.
All available PeerClick macros for a postback link you can find here.
4. Add custom postback settings
If necessary, set the additional postback criterias:
1. Expand Postback custom settings section.
2. Mark the checkbox Send only for unique if you want to send a postback only for unique conversions.
3. Mark the checkbox Disable attempts while error if you want to stop resending postbacks to a traffic channel servers that respond with an error message.
4. Mark the checkboxes of status schemes to send postbacks only for conversions with approprite statuses.
5. Set the criterias for sending postback. The settings are the same as campaign redirection rules settings.
6. Set the percentage of conversions that will be send to the traffic channel. It is set to 100% by default.