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Subscription / Payments
Subscription / Payments
Updated over 8 months ago

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- How to install PeerClick on my hosting?

We are a cloud-based platform and do not require installation. You can start working immediately after registering and choosing a tariff.

- Is it possible to remove the tariff selection window?

The tracker panel is available only after choosing a tariff.

- Do you have trial period?

There is the trial for 10 000 events (visits, clicks, conversions) available (includes all functionality except API and statistics deleting).

- Do you have free plan?

The Free plan is only available for promotions provided by our partners. Promo can only be used while registering an account. There is no access to the non-promotional free plan.

- No card / how to pay in another way?

Attaching a card is a prerequisite to access the platform.

We also accept payment via different payment systems for 6 months or higher subscriptions on Basic+ or higher tariffs.

To discuss payment options and terms for 6 months or higher subscriptions, please contact a support specialist.

- Why is the card not accepted? Error while subscribe

We process card and payment data using the third-party system Stripe. Your card has not passed their verification, the results of which we cannot influence. Try to attach another card.

- Where is the bonus from the promo code?

When registering with a promo, the specified bonus is credited to the balance in the Settings - Subscription section.

The balance is used to pay for overage events bills, a new period of the current plan and / or a tariff upgrade.

More about the subscription system and payments

- How to use a promo code?

Promo can only be used while registering an account.

- How to delete an account?

We do not delete accounts due to the system requirements. You can unsubscribe by unattaching the card and return to using your account at any time.

- How to cancel / freeze the subscription?

Unattaching the card is the same as canceling the subscription. No tariff will be selected, the balance will contain the unused amount for the already paid period. You can return to using your account at any time.

To cancel an existing subscription, go to Settings - Subscription.

Find the cancellation request link at the bottom of the page.

Once you have canceled your subscription to your chosen plan, you need to wait until the end of the billing cycle for which you paid, however, you will not be given a refund.

- Why can't I unsubscribe / unattach the card?

An unsubscribe request is not an instant button, but a request processed by a technician within 3 business days (office hours from 10:00 to 19:00. | Mon - Fri | (Time zone: CET).

- Can another account be created to use the new promo code / extend the trial period of paid functionality?

Creating more than one account (multi-account) for any purpose is prohibited in the terms of use of the platform.

The multi-account will be blocked, and the user will be denied services for violating the platform rules. All multi-accounts will be blocked without warning from our side. In case of repeated violation, all accounts will be blocked, including the first created (main) account.

An account blocked for violation receives the message "The account is blocked due to violation of the terms of use" and does not have access to the tracker panel, as well as the ability to use the blocked account or support service, regardless of the reason for the violation.

The number of paid accounts is not limited.

- Will traffic stop after reaching the event limit of the selected tariff?

After reaching the limit of events on the tariff, the overage events will be registered. At the end of the billing period, an invoice will consist of the tariff cost + the cost of overage according to the tariff specified in the price list.

Account access is not blocked.

Information about the events used can be found in the Settings - Subscription section.

For the account, there is an event counter in the format Used events / Overage, where the cost of overage events for the selected tariff is also indicated.

- Will traffic stop if the selected tariff is not paid at the beginning of the next billing period?

In case of insufficient funds on the attached card, the auto-subscription will not be renewed. Account access will be blocked except for the subscription setup page. The traffic will be forcibly stopped within 7 days from the date of non-payment.

An attempt to retry the payment can be done in the Settings - Subscription section via the Retry payment button.

Make sure there are funds on the chosen card before retrying the payment.

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