A campaign is a PeerClick element that incorporates all PeerClick elements (offers, landers, traffic sources, affiliate networks) to create a campaign funnel. Some components are optional and not required for running the campaign.
Working with a direct campaign involves working with tracking pixels inserted to your landing page / offer. If your traffic source does not support redirects and works only with direct links to the offer, set the direct tracking pixel to your landing page / offer, which you put on the source side.
Suitable for Google, Facebook, TikTok or any other traffic source that doesn't allow redirects. You can use direct or website protection (PHP or JS modes) campaigns for these traffic sources.
! To use this method you need to have an ability to insert a JS script to your landing page / offer HTML code.
Traffic will go the following way:
Traffic source - Lander / offer link
There is no unnecessary redirect, and the visit is registered by the tracker when the user goes to the lander or offer where the pixel is installed.
Before You Start
Open related platforms for quick access:
Traffic source: sign up, top up your account.
Affiliate network: find an offer in an affiliate network.
Domain provider: buy a custom domain.
A public landing page on the Internet: create it or get from your affiliate network (optional).
Set a Lander + Offer Direct Campaign
1. Add a custom domain
1. Add a custom domain manually or via API integration.
2. To get a domain with HTTPS protocol, request for SSL.
Tracker links and pixels with HTTPS protocol are generated on the HTTPS domain selected at the campaign settings.
2. Add campaign elements
1. Add required PeerClick elements
Add an offer
Add a traffic channel from a template or create a custom one
Add a lander
2. If necessary, add optional PeerClick elements
Add an offer source from a template or create a custom one
3. Сreate a campaign
At the top left side of the settings window:
1. Go to the Campaigns tab.
2. Click +New.
At the left side of the settings window:
3. Select Direct campaign type.
4. Give a name to your campaign in the Campaign name field.
5. From the Traffic channel drop-down menu select the traffic channel that you have previously created.
At the right side of the settings window:
6. Click + Add offer to choose offers from the list.
7. Click + Add lander to choose landers from the list.
8. Click Create.
4. Insert a direct tracking pixel
To insert a pixel you need to have an ability to insert a JS script to your landing page HTML code.
1. Go to the Tracking section.
2. Select a lander to generate direct data fields.
3. Copy a generated direct pixel from the Direct tracking pixel - Lander field.
4. Insert a direct pixel into the <head> section of your landing page HTML code.
5. Launch a campaign
The PeerClick campaign is created but there's few final steps to finish the settings and get the data.
1. Check the Campaigns section to manage detailed campaign and campaign elements settings.
You may need to set / check the settings of the following elements:
offer sources detailed settings;
offers detailed setting;
landers detailed setting;
traffic channels detailed setting;
detailed setting of different campaign types.
2. Check the Tracking section to manage events tracking.
You may need to set / check the settings of the following events:
conversion tracking;
click tracking;
visit tracking;
cost tracking / counting;
payout tracking / counting.
Set an Offer Only Direct Campaign
1. Add a custom domain
1. Add a custom domain manually or via API integration.
2. To get a domain with HTTPS protocol, request for SSL.
Tracker links and pixels with HTTPS protocol are generated on the HTTPS domain selected at the campaign settings.
2. Add campaign elements
1. Add required PeerClick elements
Add an offer
Add a traffic channel from a template or create a custom one
2. If necessary, add optional PeerClick elements
Add an offer source from a template or create a custom one
3. Сreate a campaign
At the top left side of the settings window:
1. Go to the Campaigns tab.
2. Click +New.
At the left side of the settings window:
3. Select Direct campaign type.
4. Give a name to your campaign in the Campaign name field.
5. From the Traffic channel drop-down menu select the traffic channel that you have previously created.
At the right side of the settings window:
6. Choose Offer setting.
7. Click + Add offer to choose offers from the list.
8. Click Create.
4. Insert a direct tracking pixel
To insert a pixel you need to have an ability to insert a JS script to your offer page HTML code.
1. Go to the Tracking section.
2. Select an offer to generate direct data fields.
3. Copy a generated direct pixel from the Direct tracking pixel - Offer field.
4. Insert a direct pixel into the <head> section of your offer page HTML code.
5. Launch a campaign
The PeerClick campaign is created but there's few final steps to finish the settings and get the data.
1. Check the Campaigns section to manage detailed campaign and campaign elements settings.
You may need to set / check the settings of the following elements:
offer sources detailed settings;
offers detailed setting;
traffic channels detailed setting;
detailed setting of different campaign types.
2. Check the Tracking section to manage events tracking.
You may need to set / check the settings of the following events:
conversion tracking;
visit tracking;
cost tracking / counting;
payout tracking / counting.