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Lander General Settings

Creating a new lander and editing a created lander

Updated over a week ago

Lander (also known as landing page, landing, prelanding, preland, land or LP) is a webpage that visitors get after clicking on an ad (campaign URL). Lander serves to attract potential customers to the offers.

A call to action (CTA) button is placed on the landing page as a standard method, firstly, to view the number of interested visitors by clicking on the CTA link, and secondly, to redirect to various offers. In addition, you can view pieces of information using tokens.

A lander's success measures by click-through rate (CTR). CTR formula: Lander clicks / Lander visits * 100.

Lander clicks are counted by placing the PeerClick click URL (lander-to-offer URL) under the CTA buttons on the landing page. Thanks to the implementation of lander-to-offer URL, the landing page does not require any additional scripts to track clicks or offer redirects - tracker work is based on the data of the referrer and cookies created and saved after visiting the campaign.

Creating a Lander

Before adding a lander element to PeerClick, you need to have your own public lander on the Internet.

To create a lander, go to the Landers section and click the + New button.

The setup window will open.

1. Lander name
Enter the name of your lander.

2. Lander URL
Enter a lander URL, for example,

3. Available URL macros
Add tracking parameters (tokens) to the URL of your landing page in the format{ip}&key={pr_key}, where:

  • - your lander URL;

  • ? - designation of the end of the lander URL, followed by parameters and their values;

  • ip - parameter;

  • {ip} - predefined PeerClick macro (passed parameter value);

  • & - ampersand separating different parameters in an address.

It is forbidden to add the clickid parameter and make a conversion to it on the landing page.

4. Tags
Add custom tags for more convinient search by landers.

5. Multi-users
Additional users with access to this lander. Access control for multi-users is carried out in the Multi-users section. This setting is available only for accounts without workspaces.

6. Group
Set the group to which your lander will belong. Adding groups is carried out in the Settings - Groups section. This setting is available only for accounts without workspaces.

7. Language
Lander country / language. The abbreviation of the selected language will be displayed in the name of the lander in the format Language - Lander_name. This field is informative and does not affect your traffic.

8. Lander-to-offer URL for one and several offers
Link from lander to offer under CTA-button of your lander. Read more.

9. Lander Protection
See more at the Lander Protection article.

To create a new lander, click the Create lander button.

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