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Get Started Guide for Webmasters
Get Started Guide for Webmasters
Updated over a month ago

The following Get Started guide is best suited for webmastes and solo marketers that promote offers from affiliate networks generating traffic from their own sites.

Before You Start

1. Open 2 platforms for quick access before signing in to PeerClick:

  • Affiliate network: find an offer in an affiliate network.

  • Domain provider: buy a custom domain.

You may also need a public landing page on the Internet (created by you or provided by your affiliate network).

2. Decide which of the 3 campaign types you need to create in PeerClick:

  • Redirect: working with this type of campaign means working with a campaign link. If your traffic source allows redirects in the funnel, you use the tracker’s campaign link to put on the source side as an offer link.

  • Direct: working with this type of campaign involves working with tracking pixels inserted to your landing page / offer. If your traffic source does not support redirects and works only with direct links to the offer, set the direct tracking pixel to your landing page / offer, which you put on the source side.

    ! To use this method you need to have an ability to insert a JS script to your landing page / offer HTML code.

  • Website protection: max-level traffic filtration using PHP or JS script inserting to your landing page / offer. Your offer gets the most qualified traffic according to your target audience.

    ​! To use this method you need to have an ability to insert a PHP / JS script to your landing page / offer code.

Set Your Funnel

Choose a funnel that suit your needs:

Redirect Lander + Offer

1. Add Custom Domain

PeerClick provides a dedicated test domain that can be used if:

  • you create a campaign to get acquainted with the tracker settings.

  • you generate manual data to see how it works and shows at the tracker panel.

A custom domain is used to generate tracker links and pixels.

It should not be used at any other place with any other purposes (including placing a landing page on this domain).

There are two ways to add a domain to the tracker: standard (manual) or via integration.

Tracker links and pixels with HTTPS protocol are generated on the HTTPS domain selected at the campaign settings.

To get a domain with HTTPS protocol, request for SSL.

2. Create Offer Source

Create an offer source as an element in PeerClick (your affiliate network template).

An offer source is your affiliate network, your partner, direct advertiser, or your own products – someone who gives you the offers to promote.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several affiliate networks.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Offer sources tab.

2. Click +New on the left side of the dashboard.

3. Use search field to find the required affiliate network.

4. Click an icon of the required affiliate network.

! Full API label on the icon means there's an API integration available.

5. If you are using an affiliate network that is not on the list, you can create it yourself by selecting Create custom template.

6. For custom template, enter the affiliate network name.

For predefined template all data is already filled.

7. Click Create offer source.

3. Create Traffic Channel

Create a traffic channel as an element in PeerClick (your website).

A traffic channel (ad network, any place with the traffic) is where you get your traffic from. It can either be a paid channel of traffic like Google Ads, Facebook, Outbrain, Propellerads, etc., or your own websiteit is obligatory to add it to your account.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several traffic channels.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Traffic channels tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Click Create custom template.

4. Enter the traffic source name (any name, for example, your website name).

5. Click Create traffic channel.

4. Create Offer

Create an offer as an element in PeerClick.

An offer is your ad URL which you will advertise.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several offers.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Offers tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Give a name to your offer in the Name field.

4. In your affiliate network account, copy the offer URL to the clipboard. Paste the offer URL that you have copied from the affiliate network in the Offer URL field.

5. Click Create an offer to add the offer to PeerClick.

5. Create Lander

Create a lander as an element in PeerClick.

A lander (LP, a landing page, a landing, a prelanding, a prelander) is a publicly accessible webpage that contains CTA link to an offer.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several landers.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Landers tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Give a name to your landing page in the Lander name field.

4. Insert the URL of your landing page in the Lander URL field.

5. Click Create lander.

6. Сreate Campaign

Create a PeerClick campaign to get a tracker campaign link.

A campaign is an element in PeerClick that incorporates elements (offers, landers, flows, traffic sources) to create a campaign funnel.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Campaigns tab.

2. Click +New.

At the left side of the settings window:

3. Give a name to your campaign in the Campaign name field.

4. From the Traffic source drop-down menu select the traffic source that you have previously created.

At the right side of the settings window:

5. Click + Add offer to choose offers from the list.

6. Click + Add lander to choose landers from the list.

7. Click Create.

7. Launch Campaign

The PeerClick campaign is created but there's few final steps to finish the settings and get the data.

1. Set a postback to PeerClick or a postback pixel to get conversion data.

2. Set a click URL to get click data.

3. Set cost settings to get cost data.

4. Copy a Campaign URL link and paste it at the traffic source as the offer link to get visit data.

Copy the generated link at the Tracking section.

This link is inserted instead of the offer link received from the affiliate network or advertiser, when creating a campaign in a traffic source.

Redirect Offer Only

1. Add Custom Domain

PeerClick provides a dedicated test domain that can be used if:

  • you create a campaign to get acquainted with the tracker settings.

  • you generate manual data to see how it works and shows at the tracker panel.

A custom domain is used to generate tracker links and pixels.

It should not be used at any other place with any other purposes (including placing a landing page on this domain).

There are two ways to add a domain to the tracker: standard (manual) or via integration.

Tracker links and pixels with HTTPS protocol are generated on the HTTPS domain selected at the campaign settings.

To get a domain with HTTPS protocol, request for SSL.

2. Create Offer Source

Create an offer source as an element in PeerClick (your affiliate network template).

An offer source is your affiliate network, your partner, direct advertiser, or your own products – someone who gives you the offers to promote.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several affiliate networks.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Offer sources tab.

2. Click +New on the left side of the dashboard.

3. Use search field to find the required affiliate network.

4. Click an icon of the required affiliate network.

! Full API label on the icon means there's an API integration available.

5. If you are using an affiliate network that is not on the list, you can create it yourself by selecting Create custom template.

6. For custom template, enter the affiliate network name.

For predefined template all data is already filled.

7. Click Create offer source.

3. Create Traffic Channel

Create a traffic channel as an element in PeerClick (your website).

A traffic channel (ad network, any place with the traffic) is where you get your traffic from. It can either be a paid channel of traffic like Google Ads, Facebook, Outbrain, Propellerads, etc., or your own websiteit is obligatory to add it to your account.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several traffic channels.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Traffic channels tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Click Create custom template.

4. Enter the traffic source name (any name, for example, your website name).

5. Click Create traffic channel.

4. Create Offer

Create an offer as an element in PeerClick.

An offer is your ad URL which you will advertise.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several offers.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Offers tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Give a name to your offer in the Name field.

4. In your affiliate network account, copy the offer URL to the clipboard. Paste the offer URL that you have copied from the affiliate network in the Offer URL field.

5. Click Create an offer to add the offer to PeerClick.

5. Сreate Campaign

Create a PeerClick campaign to get a tracker campaign link.

A campaign is an element in PeerClick that incorporates elements (offers, landers, flows, traffic sources) to create a campaign funnel.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Campaigns tab.

2. Click +New.

At the left side of the settings window:

3. Give a name to your campaign in the Campaign name field.

4. From the Traffic source drop-down menu select the traffic source that you have previously created.

At the right side of the settings window:

5. Choose Offer only setting.

6. Click + Add offer to choose offers from the list.

7. Click Create.

6. Launch Campaign

The PeerClick campaign is created but there's few final steps to finish the settings and get the data.

1. Set a postback to PeerClick or a postback pixel to get conversion data.

2. Set cost settings to get cost data.

3. Copy a Campaign URL link and paste it at the traffic source as the offer link to get visit data.

Copy the generated link at the Tracking section.

This link is inserted instead of the offer link received from the affiliate network or advertiser, when creating a campaign in a traffic source.

Direct Lander + Offer

1. Add Custom Domain

PeerClick provides a dedicated test domain that can be used if:

  • you create a campaign to get acquainted with the tracker settings.

  • you generate manual data to see how it works and shows at the tracker panel.

A custom domain is used to generate tracker links and pixels.

It should not be used at any other place with any other purposes (including placing a landing page on this domain).

There are two ways to add a domain to the tracker: standard (manual) or via integration.

Tracker links and pixels with HTTPS protocol are generated on the HTTPS domain selected at the campaign settings.

To get a domain with HTTPS protocol, request for SSL.

2. Create Offer Source

Create an offer source as an element in PeerClick (your affiliate network template).

An offer source is your affiliate network, your partner, direct advertiser, or your own products – someone who gives you the offers to promote.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several affiliate networks.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Offer sources tab.

2. Click +New on the left side of the dashboard.

3. Use search field to find the required affiliate network.

4. Click an icon of the required affiliate network.

! Full API label on the icon means there's an API integration available.

5. If you are using an affiliate network that is not on the list, you can create it yourself by selecting Create custom template.

6. For custom template, enter the affiliate network name.

For predefined template all data is already filled.

7. Click Create offer source.

3. Create Traffic Channel

Create a traffic channel as an element in PeerClick (your website).

A traffic channel (ad network, any place with the traffic) is where you get your traffic from. It can either be a paid channel of traffic like Google Ads, Facebook, Outbrain, Propellerads, etc., or your own websiteit is obligatory to add it to your account.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several traffic channels.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Traffic channels tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Click Create custom template.

4. Enter the traffic source name (any name, for example, your website name).

5. Click Create traffic channel.

4. Create Offer

Create an offer as an element in PeerClick.

An offer is your ad URL which you will advertise.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several offers.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Offers tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Give a name to your offer in the Name field.

4. In your affiliate network account, copy the offer URL to the clipboard. Paste the offer URL that you have copied from the affiliate network in the Offer URL field.

5. Click Create an offer to add the offer to PeerClick.

5. Create Lander

Create a lander as an element in PeerClick.

A lander (LP, a landing page, a landing, a prelanding, a prelander) is a publicly accessible webpage that contains CTA link to an offer.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several landers.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Landers tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Give a name to your landing page in the Lander name field.

4. Insert the URL of your landing page in the Lander URL field.

5. Click Create lander.

6. Сreate Campaign

Create a PeerClick campaign.

A campaign is an element in PeerClick that incorporates elements (offers, landers, flows, traffic sources) to create a campaign funnel.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Campaigns tab.

2. Click +New.

At the left side of the settings window:

3. Select Direct campaign type.

4. Give a name to your campaign in the Campaign name field.

5. From the Traffic source drop-down menu select the traffic source that you have previously created.

At the right side of the settings window:

6. Click + Add offer to choose offers from the list.

7. Click + Add lander to choose landers from the list.

8. Click Create.

7. Launch Campaign

The PeerClick campaign is created but there's few final steps to finish the settings and get the data.

1. Set a postback to PeerClick or a postback pixel to get conversion data.

2. Set a click URL to get click data.

3. Set cost settings to get cost data.

4. Set a direct tracking pixel on your lander page to get visit data.

5. Copy a Direct tracking URL - Lander link and paste it at the traffic source as the offer link.

Copy the generated link at the Tracking section.

This link is inserted instead of the offer link received from the affiliate network or advertiser, when creating a campaign in a traffic source.

Direct Offer Only

1. Add Custom Domain

PeerClick provides a dedicated test domain that can be used if:

  • you create a campaign to get acquainted with the tracker settings.

  • you generate manual data to see how it works and shows at the tracker panel.

A custom domain is used to generate tracker links and pixels.

It should not be used at any other place with any other purposes (including placing a landing page on this domain).

There are two ways to add a domain to the tracker: standard (manual) or via integration.

Tracker links and pixels with HTTPS protocol are generated on the HTTPS domain selected at the campaign settings.

To get a domain with HTTPS protocol, request for SSL.

2. Create Offer Source

Create an offer source as an element in PeerClick (your affiliate network template).

An offer source is your affiliate network, your partner, direct advertiser, or your own products – someone who gives you the offers to promote.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several affiliate networks.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Offer sources tab.

2. Click +New on the left side of the dashboard.

3. Use search field to find the required affiliate network.

4. Click an icon of the required affiliate network.

! Full API label on the icon means there's an API integration available.

5. If you are using an affiliate network that is not on the list, you can create it yourself by selecting Create custom template.

6. For custom template, enter the affiliate network name.

For predefined template all data is already filled.

7. Click Create offer source.

3. Create Traffic Channel

Create a traffic channel as an element in PeerClick (your website).

A traffic channel (ad network, any place with the traffic) is where you get your traffic from. It can either be a paid channel of traffic like Google Ads, Facebook, Outbrain, Propellerads, etc., or your own websiteit is obligatory to add it to your account.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several traffic channels.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Traffic channels tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Click Create custom template.

4. Enter the traffic source name (any name, for example, your website name).

5. Click Create traffic channel.

4. Create Offer

Create an offer as an element in PeerClick.

An offer is your ad URL which you will advertise.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several offers.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Offers tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Give a name to your offer in the Name field.

4. In your affiliate network account, copy the offer URL to the clipboard. Paste the offer URL that you have copied from the affiliate network in the Offer URL field.

5. Click Create an offer to add the offer to PeerClick.

5. Сreate Campaign

Create a PeerClick campaign.

A campaign is an element in PeerClick that incorporates elements (offers, landers, flows, traffic sources) to create a campaign funnel.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Campaigns tab.

2. Click +New.

At the left side of the settings window:

3. Select Direct campaign type.

4. Give a name to your campaign in the Campaign name field.

5. From the Traffic source drop-down menu select the traffic source that you have previously created.

At the right side of the settings window:

6. Choose Offer only setting.

7. Click + Add offer to choose offers from the list.

8. Click Create.

6. Launch Campaign

The PeerClick campaign is created but there's few final steps to finish the settings and get the data.

1. Set a postback to PeerClick or a postback pixel to get conversion data.

2. Set cost settings to get cost data.

4. Set a direct tracking pixel on your offer page to get visit data.

5. Copy a Direct tracking URL - Offer link and paste it at the traffic source as the offer link.

Copy the generated link at the Tracking section.

This link is inserted instead of the offer link received from the affiliate network or advertiser, when creating a campaign in a traffic source.

Website Protection PHP mode

Website Protection PHP mode without redirect

1. Create Traffic Channel

Create a traffic channel as an element in PeerClick (your website).

A traffic channel (ad network, any place with the traffic) is where you get your traffic from. It can either be a paid channel of traffic like Google Ads, Facebook, Outbrain, Propellerads, etc., or your own websiteit is obligatory to add it to your account.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several traffic channels.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Traffic channels tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Click Create custom template.

4. Enter the traffic source name (any name, for example, your website name).

5. Click Create traffic channel.

2. Сreate Campaign

Create a PeerClick campaign.

A campaign is an element in PeerClick that incorporates elements (offers, landers, flows, traffic sources) to create a campaign funnel.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Campaigns tab.

2. Click +New.

At the left side of the settings window:

3. Select Website Protection campaign type.

4. Paste URL of the site you will insert a website protection PHP code (a white label site).

5. Give a name to your campaign in the Campaign name field.

6. From the Traffic source drop-down menu select the traffic source that you have previously created.

At the right side of the settings window:

7. Click Create.

3. Launch Campaign

The PeerClick campaign is created but there's few final steps to finish the settings and get the data.

1. Set a postback to get conversion data.

Postback for WSP campaign without redirect

For a Website Protection campaign without a redirect, you need to extract the cid value from the script to pass it to the affiliate network to register the conversion and postback to the tracker using the following script:

$res = \BotDetecter::getResponce();

$cid = isset($res['cid']) ? $res['cid'] : null;

This script is inserted into a block with a white or black page. Further use of cid is implemented in the page code.

Cid is passed to the required place on the side of the affiliate network and then sent to the tracker with a postback. The implementation of the passing the cid value is up to the user.

2. Set cost settings to get cost data.

3. Set a PHP code on your Website URL (white page) to get visit data.

4. Set your WSP campaign filters according your target auditory.

5. Copy a Website URL and paste it at the traffic source as the offer link.

This link is inserted instead of the offer link received from the affiliate network or advertiser, when creating a campaign in a traffic source.

Website Protection PHP mode with redirect to rule (Lander + Offer)

1. Create Offer Source

Create an offer source as an element in PeerClick (your affiliate network template).

An offer source is your affiliate network, your partner, direct advertiser, or your own products – someone who gives you the offers to promote.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several affiliate networks.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Offer sources tab.

2. Click +New on the left side of the dashboard.

3. Use search field to find the required affiliate network.

4. Click an icon of the required affiliate network.

! Full API label on the icon means there's an API integration available.

5. If you are using an affiliate network that is not on the list, you can create it yourself by selecting Create custom template.

6. For custom template, enter the affiliate network name.

For predefined template all data is already filled.

7. Click Create offer source.

2. Create Traffic Channel

Create a traffic channel as an element in PeerClick (your website).

A traffic channel (ad network, any place with the traffic) is where you get your traffic from. It can either be a paid channel of traffic like Google Ads, Facebook, Outbrain, Propellerads, etc., or your own websiteit is obligatory to add it to your account.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several traffic channels.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Traffic channels tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Click Create custom template.

4. Enter the traffic source name (any name, for example, your website name).

5. Click Create traffic channel.

3. Create Offer

Create an offer as an element in PeerClick.

An offer is your ad URL which you will advertise.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several offers.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Offers tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Give a name to your offer in the Name field.

4. In your affiliate network account, copy the offer URL to the clipboard. Paste the offer URL that you have copied from the affiliate network in the Offer URL field.

5. Click Create an offer to add the offer to PeerClick.

4. Create Lander

Create a lander as an element in PeerClick.

A lander (LP, a landing page, a landing, a prelanding, a prelander) is a publicly accessible webpage that contains CTA link to an offer.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several landers.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Landers tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Give a name to your landing page in the Lander name field.

4. Insert the URL of your landing page in the Lander URL field.

5. Click Create lander.

5. Сreate Campaign

Create a PeerClick campaign.

A campaign is an element in PeerClick that incorporates elements (offers, landers, flows, traffic sources) to create a campaign funnel.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Campaigns tab.

2. Click +New.

At the left side of the settings window:

3. Select Website Protection campaign type.

4. Paste URL of the site you will insert a website protection PHP code (a white label site).

5. Give a name to your campaign in the Campaign name field.

6. From the Traffic source drop-down menu select the traffic source that you have previously created.

At the right side of the settings window:

7. Choose 301 redirect for users as To rule.

8. Click + Add offer to choose offers from the list.

9. Click + Add lander to choose landers from the list.

10. Click Create.

6. Launch Campaign

The PeerClick campaign is created but there's few final steps to finish the settings and get the data.

1. Set a postback to PeerClick or a postback pixel to get conversion data.

2. Set a click URL to get click data.

3. Set cost settings to get cost data.

4. Set a PHP code on your Website URL (white page) to get visit data.

5. Set your WSP campaign filters according your target auditory.

6. Copy a Website URL and paste it at the traffic source as the offer link.

This link is inserted instead of the offer link received from the affiliate network or advertiser, when creating a campaign in a traffic source.

Website Protection PHP mode with redirect to rule (Offer only)

1. Create Offer Source

Create an offer source as an element in PeerClick (your affiliate network template).

An offer source is your affiliate network, your partner, direct advertiser, or your own products – someone who gives you the offers to promote.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several affiliate networks.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Offer sources tab.

2. Click +New on the left side of the dashboard.

3. Use search field to find the required affiliate network.

4. Click an icon of the required affiliate network.

! Full API label on the icon means there's an API integration available.

5. If you are using an affiliate network that is not on the list, you can create it yourself by selecting Create custom template.

6. For custom template, enter the affiliate network name.

For predefined template all data is already filled.

7. Click Create offer source.

2. Create Traffic Channel

Create a traffic channel as an element in PeerClick (your website).

A traffic channel (ad network, any place with the traffic) is where you get your traffic from. It can either be a paid channel of traffic like Google Ads, Facebook, Outbrain, Propellerads, etc., or your own websiteit is obligatory to add it to your account.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several traffic channels.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Traffic channels tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Click Create custom template.

4. Enter the traffic source name (any name, for example, your website name).

5. Click Create traffic channel.

3. Create Offer

Create an offer as an element in PeerClick.

An offer is your ad URL which you will advertise.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several offers.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Offers tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Give a name to your offer in the Name field.

4. In your affiliate network account, copy the offer URL to the clipboard. Paste the offer URL that you have copied from the affiliate network in the Offer URL field.

5. Click Create an offer to add the offer to PeerClick.

4. Сreate Campaign

Create a PeerClick campaign.

A campaign is an element in PeerClick that incorporates elements (offers, landers, flows, traffic sources) to create a campaign funnel.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Campaigns tab.

2. Click +New.

At the left side of the settings window:

3. Select Website Protection campaign type.

4. Paste URL of the site you will insert a website protection PHP code (a white label site).

5. Give a name to your campaign in the Campaign name field.

6. From the Traffic source drop-down menu select the traffic source that you have previously created.

At the right side of the settings window:

7. Choose 301 redirect for users as To rule.

8. Choose Offer only setting.

9. Click + Add offer to choose offers from the list.

10. Click Create.

5. Launch Campaign

The PeerClick campaign is created but there's few final steps to finish the settings and get the data.

1. Set a postback to PeerClick or a postback pixel to get conversion data.

2. Set cost settings to get cost data.

3. Set a PHP code on your Website URL (white page) to get visit data.

4. Set your WSP campaign filters according your target auditory.

5. Copy a Website URL and paste it at the traffic source as the offer link.

This link is inserted instead of the offer link received from the affiliate network or advertiser, when creating a campaign in a traffic source.

Website Protection PHP mode with redirect to URL

1. Create Traffic Channel

Create a traffic channel as an element in PeerClick (your website).

A traffic channel (ad network, any place with the traffic) is where you get your traffic from. It can either be a paid channel of traffic like Google Ads, Facebook, Outbrain, Propellerads, etc., or your own websiteit is obligatory to add it to your account.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several traffic channels.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Traffic channels tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Click Create custom template.

4. Enter the traffic source name (any name, for example, your website name).

5. Click Create traffic channel.

2. Сreate Campaign

Create a PeerClick campaign.

A campaign is an element in PeerClick that incorporates elements (offers, landers, flows, traffic sources) to create a campaign funnel.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Campaigns tab.

2. Click +New.

At the left side of the settings window:

3. Select Website Protection campaign type.

4. Paste URL of the site you will insert a website protection PHP code (a white label site).

5. Give a name to your campaign in the Campaign name field.

6. From the Traffic source drop-down menu select the traffic source that you have previously created.

At the right side of the settings window:

7. Choose 301 redirect for users as To URL.

8. Enter URL of the site that will be shown to users.

9. Click Create.

3. Launch Campaign

The PeerClick campaign is created but there's few final steps to finish the settings and get the data.

1. Set a postback to PeerClick or a postback pixel to get conversion data.

2. Set cost settings to get cost data.

3. Set a PHP code on your Website URL (white page) to get visit data.

4. Set your WSP campaign filters according your target auditory.

5. Copy a Website URL and paste it at the traffic source as the offer link.

This link is inserted instead of the offer link received from the affiliate network or advertiser, when creating a campaign in a traffic source.

Website Protection JS mode

Website Protection JS mode with redirect to rule (Lander + Offer)

1. Add Custom Domain

PeerClick provides a dedicated test domain that can be used if:

  • you create a campaign to get acquainted with the tracker settings.

  • you generate manual data to see how it works and shows at the tracker panel.

A custom domain is used to generate tracker links and pixels.

It should not be used at any other place with any other purposes (including placing a landing page on this domain).

There are two ways to add a domain to the tracker: standard (manual) or via integration.

Tracker links and pixels with HTTPS protocol are generated on the HTTPS domain selected at the campaign settings.

To get a domain with HTTPS protocol, request for SSL.

2. Create Offer Source

Create an offer source as an element in PeerClick (your affiliate network template).

An offer source is your affiliate network, your partner, direct advertiser, or your own products – someone who gives you the offers to promote.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several affiliate networks.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Offer sources tab.

2. Click +New on the left side of the dashboard.

3. Use search field to find the required affiliate network.

4. Click an icon of the required affiliate network.

! Full API label on the icon means there's an API integration available.

5. If you are using an affiliate network that is not on the list, you can create it yourself by selecting Create custom template.

6. For custom template, enter the affiliate network name.

For predefined template all data is already filled.

7. Click Create offer source.

3. Create Traffic Channel

Create a traffic channel as an element in PeerClick (your website).

A traffic channel (ad network, any place with the traffic) is where you get your traffic from. It can either be a paid channel of traffic like Google Ads, Facebook, Outbrain, Propellerads, etc., or your own websiteit is obligatory to add it to your account.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several traffic channels.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Traffic channels tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Click Create custom template.

4. Enter the traffic source name (any name, for example, your website name).

5. Click Create traffic channel.

4. Create Offer

Create an offer as an element in PeerClick.

An offer is your ad URL which you will advertise.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several offers.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Offers tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Give a name to your offer in the Name field.

4. In your affiliate network account, copy the offer URL to the clipboard. Paste the offer URL that you have copied from the affiliate network in the Offer URL field.

5. Click Create an offer to add the offer to PeerClick.

5. Create Lander

Create a lander as an element in PeerClick.

A lander (LP, a landing page, a landing, a prelanding, a prelander) is a publicly accessible webpage that contains CTA link to an offer.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several landers.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Landers tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Give a name to your landing page in the Lander name field.

4. Insert the URL of your landing page in the Lander URL field.

5. Click Create lander.

6. Сreate Campaign

Create a PeerClick campaign.

A campaign is an element in PeerClick that incorporates elements (offers, landers, flows, traffic sources) to create a campaign funnel.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Campaigns tab.

2. Click +New.

At the left side of the settings window:

3. Select Website Protection campaign type.

4. Paste URL of the site you will insert a website protection PHP code (a white label site).

5. Give a name to your campaign in the Campaign name field.

6. From the Traffic source drop-down menu select the traffic source that you have previously created.

At the right side of the settings window:

7. Choose 301 redirect for users as To rule.

8. Click + Add offer to choose offers from the list.

9. Click + Add lander to choose landers from the list.

10. Click Create.

7. Launch Campaign

The PeerClick campaign is created but there's few final steps to finish the settings and get the data.

1. Set a postback to PeerClick or a postback pixel to get conversion data.

2. Set a click URL to get click data.

3. Set cost settings to get cost data.

4. Set a JS code on your Website URL (white page) to get visit data.

5. Set your WSP campaign filters according your target auditory.

6. Copy a Website URL and paste it at the traffic source as the offer link.

This link is inserted instead of the offer link received from the affiliate network or advertiser, when creating a campaign in a traffic source.

Website Protection JS mode with redirect to rule (Offer only)

1. Add Custom Domain

PeerClick provides a dedicated test domain that can be used if:

  • you create a campaign to get acquainted with the tracker settings.

  • you generate manual data to see how it works and shows at the tracker panel.

A custom domain is used to generate tracker links and pixels.

It should not be used at any other place with any other purposes (including placing a landing page on this domain).

There are two ways to add a domain to the tracker: standard (manual) or via integration.

Tracker links and pixels with HTTPS protocol are generated on the HTTPS domain selected at the campaign settings.

To get a domain with HTTPS protocol, request for SSL.

2. Create Offer Source

Create an offer source as an element in PeerClick (your affiliate network template).

An offer source is your affiliate network, your partner, direct advertiser, or your own products – someone who gives you the offers to promote.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several affiliate networks.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Offer sources tab.

2. Click +New on the left side of the dashboard.

3. Use search field to find the required affiliate network.

4. Click an icon of the required affiliate network.

! Full API label on the icon means there's an API integration available.

5. If you are using an affiliate network that is not on the list, you can create it yourself by selecting Create custom template.

6. For custom template, enter the affiliate network name.

For predefined template all data is already filled.

7. Click Create offer source.

3. Create Traffic Channel

Create a traffic channel as an element in PeerClick (your website).

A traffic channel (ad network, any place with the traffic) is where you get your traffic from. It can either be a paid channel of traffic like Google Ads, Facebook, Outbrain, Propellerads, etc., or your own websiteit is obligatory to add it to your account.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several traffic channels.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Traffic channels tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Click Create custom template.

4. Enter the traffic source name (any name, for example, your website name).

5. Click Create traffic channel.

4. Create Offer

Create an offer as an element in PeerClick.

An offer is your ad URL which you will advertise.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several offers.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Offers tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Give a name to your offer in the Name field.

4. In your affiliate network account, copy the offer URL to the clipboard. Paste the offer URL that you have copied from the affiliate network in the Offer URL field.

5. Click Create an offer to add the offer to PeerClick.

5. Сreate Campaign

Create a PeerClick campaign.

A campaign is an element in PeerClick that incorporates elements (offers, landers, flows, traffic sources) to create a campaign funnel.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Campaigns tab.

2. Click +New.

At the left side of the settings window:

3. Select Website Protection campaign type.

4. Paste URL of the site you will insert a website protection PHP code (a white label site).

5. Give a name to your campaign in the Campaign name field.

6. From the Traffic source drop-down menu select the traffic source that you have previously created.

At the right side of the settings window:

7. Choose 301 redirect for users as To rule.

8. Choose Offer only setting.

9. Click + Add offer to choose offers from the list.

10. Click Create.

6. Launch Campaign

The PeerClick campaign is created but there's few final steps to finish the settings and get the data.

1. Set a postback to PeerClick or a postback pixel to get conversion data.

2. Set cost settings to get cost data.

3. Set a JS code on your Website URL (white page) to get visit data.

4. Set your WSP campaign filters according your target auditory.

5. Copy a Website URL and paste it at the traffic source as the offer link.

This link is inserted instead of the offer link received from the affiliate network or advertiser, when creating a campaign in a traffic source.

Website Protection JS mode with redirect to URL

1. Add Custom Domain

PeerClick provides a dedicated test domain that can be used if:

  • you create a campaign to get acquainted with the tracker settings.

  • you generate manual data to see how it works and shows at the tracker panel.

A custom domain is used to generate tracker links and pixels.

It should not be used at any other place with any other purposes (including placing a landing page on this domain).

There are two ways to add a domain to the tracker: standard (manual) or via integration.

Tracker links and pixels with HTTPS protocol are generated on the HTTPS domain selected at the campaign settings.

To get a domain with HTTPS protocol, request for SSL.

2. Create Traffic Channel

Create a traffic channel as an element in PeerClick (your website).

A traffic channel (ad network, any place with the traffic) is where you get your traffic from. It can either be a paid channel of traffic like Google Ads, Facebook, Outbrain, Propellerads, etc., or your own websiteit is obligatory to add it to your account.

Repeat these steps if you need to add several traffic channels.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Traffic channels tab.

2. Click +New.

3. Click Create custom template.

4. Enter the traffic source name (any name, for example, your website name).

5. Click Create traffic channel.

3. Сreate Campaign

Create a PeerClick campaign.

A campaign is an element in PeerClick that incorporates elements (offers, landers, flows, traffic sources) to create a campaign funnel.

At the top left side of the settings window:

1. Go to the Campaigns tab.

2. Click +New.

At the left side of the settings window:

3. Select Website Protection campaign type.

4. Enter URL of the site you will insert a website protection PHP code (a white page).

5. Give a name to your campaign in the Campaign name field.

6. From the Traffic source drop-down menu select the traffic source that you have previously created.

At the right side of the settings window:

7. Choose 301 redirect for users as To URL.

8. Enter URL of the site that will be shown to users.

9. Click Create.

4. Launch Campaign

The PeerClick campaign is created but there's few final steps to finish the settings and get the data.

1. Set a postback to PeerClick or a postback pixel to get conversion data.

2. Set cost settings to get cost data.

3. Set a JS code on your Website URL (white page) to get visit data.

4. Set your WSP campaign filters according your target auditory.

5. Copy a Website URL and paste it at the traffic source as the offer link.

This link is inserted instead of the offer link received from the affiliate network or advertiser, when creating a campaign in a traffic source.

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