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PeerClick Customer Manual
Step-by-step guidances and popular setting cases for smoothier work
75 articles
Creating a Campaign in PeerClickAn introduction to the PeerСlick tracking platform.
Campaign General SettingsCreating a new campaign and editing a created campaign
Campaign Control Panel
Campaign Type
Traffic Destination and Distribution
Traffic Distribution by Rules
Regular Expressions (RegEx)
Smart Rotation
Traffic Distribution AI (AI Optimization )Traffic Distribution AI
Campaign Statistics
Lander General SettingsCreating a new lander and editing a created lander
Lander-to-offer Link (Click URL)Redirect from a lander to an offer using cookies
Redirect from a Lander to an Offer without CookiesIf a lander-to-offer link doesn't redirect
Landing Page Protection
PeerClick Parameters on the Lander (Dynamic Call-Outs)
Types of Events and Ways to Track Them
Custom Events
Statistics Table
Conversion Registration Time
Custom Conversion Settings
Manual Conversion Adding
Conversion Updating
Conversion Deleting
Cost RegistrationDifferent Cost Types Settings
Cost Updating
Hiding the RefererMeta Refresh / Double Meta Refresh
iFrame Traffic Detection & Blocking
What is a Postback, Types of Postbacks in PeerClick
Setting up a Standard Postback to PeerClickRegistering a conversion in the tracker with a postback from an affiliate network
Setting up a Probabilistic Postback to PeerClickPostback without using a clickid value
Setting up a Postback from PeerClickSending a conversion from a tracker as a postback to a traffic source
Creating Criteria (Rules) for Sending Postbacks to the Traffic Source
Creating Multiple Postbacks to the Traffic Source
Macro Dictionary
Conversion Statuses Settings